Current coffee Offerings
All of our coffee is roasted at our shop in Ellet, Ohio using Fair Trade, Organic beans.
Check out what coffees are in our current rotation:
Light Roast
Papua New Guinea
Region - Chuave District, order of the Eastern Highlands, Chimbu Province
Farm - Various smallholder farmers
Variety - Arusha, Typica
Altitude - 1600–1800 masl
Process Method - Fully Washed
Notes - Caramel, chocolate, apple and lemon
Region - El Quiche, Huehuetenango
Farm - 150 smallholder farmers
Variety - Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra
Altitude - 1400–1900 masl
Process Method - Fully Washed
Notes - Lemon and nutty
Ethiopia - Natural Process
Region - Bensa District, Sidamo
Farm - Various smallholder farms
Variety - Indigenous Heirloom
Altitude - 1,850 masl
Process Method - Natural (beans are dried in the coffee cherry/fruit)
Notes - Fruity, blueberry, white grapefruit, chocolate finish
Medium Roast
Region - North Kivu
Farm - Various smallholder farmers
Variety - Bourbon, local derivatives
Altitude - 1,460-2,000 masl
Process Method - Washed
Notes - Caramel, cane sugar, apple and grapefruit. Juicy and tart with a smooth mouthfeel.
Region - Yirgacheffe, OROMIA
Farm - Various
Altitude - 1500-2000 masl
Process Method - Washed
Notes - Lemon, honey, jasmine
Ethiopia - Natural Process
Region - Bensa District, Sidamo
Farm - Various smallholder farms
Variety - Indigenous Heirloom
Altitude - 1,850 masl
Process Method - Natural (beans are dried in the coffee cherry/fruit)
Notes - Fruity, blueberry, white grapefruit, chocolate finish
Decaf Guatemala
Region - Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Farm - various farms, members of the ASOBAGRI association
Variety - Bourbon, Caturra
Altitude - 1650 masl
Process Method - Fully Washed, sun dried
Artisan Espresso
This is our signature espresso and our only blend made up of multiple origins.
Notes - Chocolate, syrupy with light fruitiness. It
Medium - Dark Roast, which maintains more of the natural flavor of the coffee and keeps it super smooth!
Dark Roast
Region - Jaén, Cajamarca
Farm - 400 smallholder farms
Variety - Caturra, Typica, Catimor, Mundo, Novo, Pache
Altitude - 1650-1800 masl
Process Method - Washed
Drying Method - Sun Dried
Notes - Caramel, Lemon, Toffee, with an herbal aftertaste. Sweet with a citric acidity and a smooth mouthfeel.
Farm - Various members of Central Multiple Service Cooperative (PRODECOOP)
Variety - Bourbon, Caturra
Altitude - 1,250 masl
Process Method - Fully washed
Drying Method - Patio sun-dried
Notes - Dark fruit, sugar, chocolate, nutty, balanced
Region - Aceh
Farm - Various farms, members of KSU Qahwah Tanoh Gayo co-operative
Variety - Tim-Tim, Borbor, Ateng, Lini-S975, Kartika, Jaluk, Typica
Altitude - 1400-1600 masl
Process Method - Wet-Hulled
Notes - Chocolate, syrupy with light fruitiness.